Symphony X


Symphony X

Tom: E

Tuning: d g c f a d




Main riff


Listen to the song to see where you shall play this figure!

Verse 1


Now go to pre-chorus 1

verse 2



        t            t           t



Now go to pre-chorus 2

pre-chorus 1




Pre-chorus 2



Here   we   are                      children    of

sun and stars....








1 : Play the main riff and then start on verse 2

2 : Play the figure below!!

6/4   2:47



The rythm guitar over the solo shall
play this twice.......


then play this twice....


rythm guitar

lead guitar           t



Now play the chorus one half step higher than before. Just as I have
transcribed below..

Here   we   are                      children    of

sun and stars....







Now change and play the chorus normally...

Here   we   are                      children    of

sun and stars....







                                          rythm guitar keeps playing 
this figure
                                          with fade out... 

                                          and the lead guitar keeps
                                          playing this figure!!