Hey, remember me, We met ten years ago At CBGB's, on New Year's eve Back when you were tending bar You had a band of your own called The Revlons And I liked your songs I don't know how I must have lost my head An abandonment like that was easier then And I don't know why we never met again But I still think about you sometimes every now and then Hey remember when you toook me to the movies To see Soylent Green I can't believe it was such a long time ago So much has happened, I hear you had twins Are you doing what you wanna do Did you follow your intentions All the dreams you had Has even a single one of them come true? I ask myself as I'm asking you Hey, I'm just asking I'm just asking to you To you You were the one most likely to Ssucceed without ever really trying You had so much to live up to I was married for awhile, it ended in tragedy Oh well, enough about me, I don't know how I must have lost my head An abandonment like that was easier then Somehow, are you doing what you wanted to, Did you follow those intentions through, and All the dreams you had, Have any or all of them come true, If they haven't yet I hope they do Hey, remember me, We met at CBGB's At the bar Do you remember me? Remember me? Remember me, do you? Do you remember? Hey, remember me Hey, remember me Hey, remember Hey, remember me Hey, remember Hey, remember me Hey, hey, hey do you remember me?