
Church Obliteration


Church Obliteration

Here's the church obliteration 
Like just another dream of purity 
See its bleakness, feel its might 
Oh boundless . . . I crawl . . 

The crows are flying "around your couple" 
The crows make up "your chamber of dais" 

Here the church devastation 
Like just another crow, in the sky 
See it's obscure, feel it's dead 
Oh haunted . . . 

I came here to fall into oblivion 
I came there to feel my inspiration, my 

The churche proclaimed 
Accursed damned in dust and filth 
Pierced dishonest devil 
So this is place for me I penetrate in . . 

The church proclaimed 
The rise of obliteration 
Crowded destructive evil 
Here is the place for me . . .

Obliteration, commence!.