
His Love Just Washed Away


She grew up in warm warm water
Helps her face look flush and full
Running laps all around
The daughter's head keeps spinning like a spiral shell
And there she goes goes goes
There she goes into the water
Swimming with the seals and weeds
From the trees drops the man who bought her love
With clothes and promises of make believe believe believe
He found her body on the seashore
As he walked his early morning stroll
Clothes were gone
Body breathed no more
Dried by the sun
He took her in his arms arms arms
Washed away

Ela cresceu na água morna
Ajuda o rosto dela a ficar corado e cheio
Dando voltas por aí
A cabeça da filha continua girando como uma concha em espiral
E lá vai ela
Lá vai ela para a água
Nadando com as focas e algas
Das árvores cai o homem que comprou o amor dela
Com roupas e promessas de fazer acreditar
Ele encontrou o corpo dela na beira do mar
Enquanto ele fazia a caminhada matinal
As roupas tinham desaparecido
O corpo não respirava mais
Seca pelo sol
Ele pegou ela nos braços
Lavada pelo mar