Parents tell me: “get a job! Get real, don’t be a slob! You will be barefoot, hungry, with no peace of bread, You better now give up dancing, you won’t earn a shit!” But I stay true to my dream, ‘cuz it still has the gleam! Move, move your bones Everybody move your bones! Dance like zombies Dead or alive Dance like zombies And feel the drive! Dance like zombies Dead or alive Dance like zombies And feel the drive! La-la-la-la-la La-la-la-la La-la-la-la-la La-la-la-la We have always chance to dance If we have no arms or legs, Blind, deaf, weary or stressed, Yeah, we know that we’re obsessed, No matter where I am, on earth or on the other side, This thing will never change, my friend, yes, I will always dance! Move, move your bones Everybody move your bones! Dance like zombies Dead or alive Dance like zombies And feel the drive Dance like zombies Dead or alive Dance like zombies And feel the drive La-la-la-la-la La-la-la-la La-la-la-la-la La-la-la-la