Eyes keeping closed till it's over. Honing my skill in disaster. Hating. Waiting. Never stood a chance. Some knots never come undone. The cord just frays away. Never stood a chance. Hating. Waiting. Never stood a chance. You know, you've got the best of me. And i give you a wish for best of luck. But that won't get us out of here. And it doesn't even get us near. I pull you under. I pull you under with me. Fall from your grace unobstructed. Surrender to understanding. Hating. Waiting. Never stood a chance. Failure built by good intentions placed you in the way. Hating. Waiting. Never stood a chance. You know, you've got the best of me. And i give you a wish for best of luck. But that won't get us out of here. This wont make it stop. I pull you under. I pull you under with me.