Sometimes I lay in bed for long, long spells Thinking of lines in old movies like The power of Christ compels you Or: You maniacs, you blew it up, damn you all to hell! And while thinking of the first time I heard those lines as a child My middle-aged woes are temporarily quelled Sometimes I lay in bed for long, long spells Wonderin' who killed those kids in Atlanta Was it Wayne Williams or some other guy Or was it the Klu Klux Clan? Based on what I’ve seen and heard, looked like a cover-up scam Cops coverin' for cops who said they couldn't find the kids While searchin' a small plot of land And then the kids were found the very next day when their black neighbors Took the law into their own hands Ain't that a thing? Everyone knows about JonBenét Ramsey White, blue eyed and blonde And Nancy Holloway from Alabama Also white, blue eyed and blonde But you mention 30 blacks killed in ‘79 through ‘81 Most people say Never heard of that one Sometimes to get me out of bed before 2 PM They need The Jaws of Life For the news I watched the night before could often have me in a state of strife I bounce out of it by meditating on the velvety, pastel California colors I look at them so deeply as if I'm living in my final hours ‘Cause really, when you get to be my age You don't know when it's gonna be your final day I talked to a friend earlier this week His brother just died of esophagus cancer At the young age of 48 So I read the books that make me laugh, and lately it's nothin’ but John Fante The way young Arturo argues with his mom relentlessly The way she scolds him constantly for not vigilantly following her guidelines of Christianity And when I want to feel validated about my sometimes frowned upon path I turn to Henry Miller, who continued on far beyond the books for which he was banned Didn’t matter how old how he got, read the books, watch a documentary He never stopped laughing he exuded positivity Then finally I get up and walk to Aquatic or Lafayette Park Or walk in circles in the Marina in the day and sometimes just before dark Wonderin' what's next for me in this new world we're livin'? Some of my friends think that if I walk the boarded up streets that I am sinning Some people I know shame me for goin’ out and breathing the air I'm breathing Some people criticize me for occasionally wearing a smile As if they’d rather watch me perpetually agonizing Today I woke up knowing the only thing that would lift my mood Was meeting Caroline in North Beach for Chinese food Knowing I'd be making music starting at 2 Yeah, the world's shut down, but I won't succumb I will always make music I would travel to Ohio though I'm warned not to travel state to state I miss my family and it's breaking my heart and I gotta look after my mental state Yeah, I know all about the world crisis But I also see the Lilies and Irises and the Magnolia trees and the Violets If people can gather in packs to protest and riot And burn down Walmart after Walmart and tear down statue after statue And gather in Oklahoma dressed in red, white and blue Why can I not get on a plane and fly to Ohio and tell my mother and dad I love you?