No one untouched by it, in filth we thrive Darkness sublimated, from this we all derive Alluvium rising higher, hiding the way to my desire Mysteriously - falling away or flying free... Each one of us keeps fighting not to be broken broken down, Until we realize For one instant my love and my anguish fertilize Levity mysteriously Washes over me Climbing up out the water Am i flying high, or falling away like a moment of clarity Lotus transcending out of the mire - pure... And when i open my eyes all that's there to see Relies on every step i took while blind Impossible desire to embrace the child That fills the void you left behind Alluvium keeps rising higher For one instant my essence is one with the sky Levity mysteriously Washes over me Climbing up out the water Am i flying high, or falling away like a moment of clarity Mysteriously dancing too slow to see Cool fire washing over me And now i'm flying high... Long enough just to say Long enough just to play through this melody of senses And the shadow inside this hollow disguise (water, earth, air, fire combine, fertilize your shadow With light) Will radiate when all elements arise As one...