noodles are the smell of denial and you will never grow up noodles are the smell of denial noodles are the smell of denial hey, this part of room is full of danger empty hearts and totally dark strangers hopping to a beat you've never heard and now i'm in the corner like a nerd wishing for a highschool hop or at least a steady diet to stop my empty cause and my mind from a riot i'm out of here as soon as my will disappears! noodles are the smell of denial noodles are the smell of denial noodles are the smell of denial and you will never grow up i heard that i got wasted on your party sleeping while your merry gang was doing karaoke in a sofa or a chair, it doesn't matter what matters is i don't have to talk about the weather with some dj dude with his shiny boots of leather and his new found love of romance and by that he means sex but there's a falcon crest side to everything don't trust anyone or anything noodles are the smell of denial and you will never grow up for every moment, there's a downer for every second, there's an itch but i just found out at the diner, it's better to be alive than rich noodles are the smell of denial and you will never grow up