Stuart Townsend

May The Peace Benediction

Stuart Townsend

Tom: Bb

Bb   F/A   F    Bb/D   Gm7

Bb   F/A   F    Bb/D   Gm7

Bb   F/A   F    Bb/D   Gm7

F    Bb/D  Cm7  Bb

F7      Bbadd9           Bb/D         Eb     Bbadd9/D
May the peace of God our Heav - 'nly  Fa  -  ther,  and the
Gm7      Cm7                 F    Gm7   F/A
grace of Christ the ri - sen Son,
F7      Bbadd9              Bb/D    Eb    Bbadd9/D
and the fel - low - ship of God the Spi - rit,  keep our
Gm7        Cm7                 F/A   Gm7  F
hearts and minds with - in His love.

Bb/D   F   Gm7  F/A            Ebadd9      Bbadd9
And to Him be__ praise for His glo - rious reign, from the
F/A    Gm7  F/A          Eb         Bbadd9/D
depths of__ earth to the heights of Heav'n;
        F     Gm7   F/A         Gm7  F    Cm7/Eb
We de - clare the__ name of the Lamb once slain -
           Bb/F           Cm7/F   Gm7
Christ e - tern - al, the King of Kings.

Bb   F/A   F    Bb/D   Gm7

Bb   F/A   F    Bb/D   Gm7

Bb   F/A   F    Bb/D   Gm7

F    Bb/D  Cm7  Bb

F7       Bbadd9                Bb/D      Eb      Bbadd9/D
May this peace which pass - es un - der  stand - ing,  and this
Gm7         Cm7              F    Gm7   F/A
grace which makes us what we are,
F7       Bbadd9        Bb/D      Eb    Bbadd9/D
and this fellowship of His com - mun - ion,  make us
Gm7    Cm7              F/A  Gm7  F      
one in spi - rit and in heart.

Bb/D   F   Gm7  F/A            Ebadd9      Bbadd9
And to Him be__ praise for His glo - rious reign, from the
F/A    Gm7  F/A          Eb         Bbadd9/D
depths of__ earth to the heights of Heav'n;
        F     Gm7   F/A         Gm7  F    Cm7/Eb
We de - clare the__ name of the Lamb once slain -
           Bb/F           Cm7/F   Bbadd9
Christ e - tern - al, the King of Kings

Bb   F/A   F    Bb/D   Gm7

Bb   F/A   F    Bb/D   Gm7

Bb   F/A   F    Bb/D   Gm7