Tom: C Album: City Version 1.0 - October, 21 2005 Transcribed By: Daniel Gainer Email: W* . - palm mute / - slide up to \ - slide down to ~ - vibrato p - pull off Suffixes for bend t - tap f - full bend h - half bend *- pinched harmonic q - quarter bend t - tap bend b - Hold bend r release bend , - slight palm mute () - ghost note, sustained note " - tremolo note - Trill Tuning: C G C F A D Riff 1 x 2 |---------------------------------------------------| |---------------------------------------------------| |---------------------------------------------------| |---------------------------------------------------| |3200000-----3200000-----3200000-----32000003200000-| |3200000-10*-3200000-10*-3200000-10*-32000003200000-| ....... ....... ....... .............. Riff 2 x2 (drop the last 320000320000 second time and replace with filler thing) |--------------------------------------------------------------| |--------------------------------------------------------------| |--------------------------------------------------------------| |-----------444--------------444------------444----------------| |3200000-444------3200000-444----3200000-444----32000003200000-| |3200000----------3200000--------3200000--------32000003200000-| ....... ....... ....... .............. Filler Thing. |----------| |----------| |----------| |----------| |3-0-2-0-2-| |3-0-2-0-2-| Riff 3 x2 (This is not right.) Play Filler Thing 2 after the second time. |---------------------------------| |---------------------------------| |---------------------------------| |----7-------7-------7-----8---7--| |6-4-5-4-6-4-5-4-6-4-5-4-6-6-6-5--| |6-4---4-6-4---4-6-4---4-6---6----| Filler thing 2! |------------| |------------| |------------| |------7-----| |------5-4*--| |5-6-0--0----| . . . .. Riff 4 x4 (Gotta hit that 5*^ at the right spot for it to sound work. hi C-2*^ works in place too kinda) |------------------------------------------------------------| |------------------------------------------------------------| |------------------------------------------------------------| |------------------------------------------------------------| |6-0-4-0-6-0-4-6-0-4-0-6-7-6-7-6-0-4-0-6-0-4-6-0-4-0-55555*^-| |6-0-4-0-6-0-4-6-0-4-0-6-7-6-7-6-0-4-0-6-0-4-6-0-4-0---------| . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... Riff 1 x2 Riff 2 x2 Riff 3 x2 Riff 4 x2 Riff 5 x4 (Kinda hard to hear what's goin on >.