Rejoice, rejoice, rejoice at marble feet
Sculpted by craving hands
So pure for mass destruction and delight
The sightless wait to touch

To lead is one by one to follow is enough
It's the oversoul it consoles the lonely mind

Sense of blind affection can radiate
Surround in warmth
The infinite spirit helps create the brighter life
Because it seeps into the cracks it melts you down and down

To lead is one by one to follow is enough
It's the oversoul it consoles the lonely mind
I lead them one by one to touch until it becomes 
it's my oversoul it consoles your lonely mind

Rejoice, rejoice, rejoice at the marble feet
Rejoice, rejoice

To lead is one by one to follow is enough
It's the oversoul it consoles the lonely mind
I lead them one by one to touch until it becomes 
it's my oversoul it consoles your lonely mind
