Peel the flesh off my bone Slowly condone So I may crumble away alone Must I be denied? Still crucified So forsake me now, oh Why can’t I renounce you and refuse you? When you still bite the hand that feeds you? I abhor you, how I loathe you You rip open my wounds with a smile I can’t live to see this world alone Must I breathe with the nails driven into my throat? Every time I think about it, every while I gaze upon it You induce me to slip into this concave hole Peel the flesh off my bone Slowly condone So I may crumble away alone Must I be denied? Still crucified So forsake me now, oh Why can’t I deny you and despise you? When you still bite the hand that feeds you? How I trust you, and still soothe you While you rip open my soul with a smile