All throughout the spirit realm a fearsome battle rages The fates of men and nations hang suspended in the fray Walls designed by satan in the twilight of the ages Now stand as great divisions all across the world today Walls not born of government nor strife amid the nations But walls within our churches and between denominations Stones of dry tradition carved in fear and laid in pride Become a dismal prison to those withering inside Chorus: Let the walls come down Let the walls come down Let the walls that divide us And hide us come down If in Christ we agree Let us seek unity Let the walls Let the walls come down Let the walls Let the walls come down The body weak and powerless, crippled by division The victim of a tragic and most cruel civil war Brother fighting brother over culture and tradition While countless lost and dying lie as casualties of war It's time to end the foolishness of warring with each other And kneel in true repentance that our union be restored May we then as brothers rally round the cross of Jesus And carry on with diligence the mission of our Lord Chorus Oh children of God Oh soon to be bride Let us humble ourselves And crucify pride Throw off the flesh And its pious facade And unite in the name of God Chorus