Tom: Am Am C Cmaj9 Em F G e]---0----0----0----0----1----3---| B]---1----1----1----0----1----0---| G]---2----0----0----0----2----0---| D]---2----2----0----2----3----0---| A]---0----3----2----2----3----2---| E]------------------0----1----3---| TABA TUD LEGEND: (h) = hammer-on (p) = pull-off (~) = let it ring N/C = No Chord INTRO: C Em C Em e]---------------------000-000----0----------------000-000--| B]---------------------000-000----1----------------000-000--| G]-----0-----0-----0---000-000----0------0-----0---000-000--| D]-------0h2---0h2-----222-222--2-2--0h2---0h2-----222-222--| A]--3-----------------22222222--3-3---------------22222222--| E]--------------------00000000--------------------00000000--| VERSE: C Em e]----00-000----00-000--| B]----11-111----00-000--| G]----00-000----00-000--| D]--2-22-222----22-222--| (x4) A]--3-33-333--2-22-222--| E]------------0-00-000--| F G C Cmaj9 Am F G e]----11-111----33-333-|---0----0----00-00--|---11-111----3--| B]----11-111----00-000-|---1----1----11-11--|---11-111----0--| G]----22-222----00-000-|---0----0----22-22--|---22-222----0--| D]--3-33-333----00-000-|-2-2--0-0--2-22-22--|-3-33-333----0--| A]--3-33-333--2-22-222-|-3-3--2-2--0-00-00--|-3-33-333--2-2--| E]----11-111--3-33-333-|--------------------|---11-111--3-3--| C Em Dear Diary, today was a good day C Em Papa and I picked wild flowers C Em Mama joined and we lay in the sunshine C Em Then we sang and danced for hours F G I know tomorrow will be even better C Cmaj9 Am So the good Lord I thank F G I'll write more later. Love, N/C Anne Frank OUTRO: C Em C e]----0--------------------0~------------0~~~--| B]----1------------------0----0---------1~~~---| G]----0-----0-----0----0--------0------0~~~----| D]----2-0h2---0h2-----------------2---2~~~-----| A]--3-3------------------------------3~~~------| E]-------------------0-------------------------| Techniques: (x) = muted strings (h) = hammer-on (p) = pull-off (/) = slide (~) = let it ring N/C = No Chord ×××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××× R e m a i n i n g V e r s e s ×××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××× VERSE 2: C Em Dear Diary, today was a great day C Em I bought myself a brand new horse C Em She’s strong and fast, and so very beautiful C Em And just a little wild, of course F G I know tomorrow I can tame her C Cmaj9 Am If I only believe F G Wish me luck Diary, N/C Christopher Reeve VERSE 3: C Em Dear Diary, today was a grand day C Em Took a bath, had a spot of tea C Em Did the New York Times crossword puzzle C Em Listened to a symphony F G I think I'll go for a leisurely drive now C Cmaj9 Am See what the day will bring F G Life is good. Love, N/C Rodney King VERSE 4: C Em Dear Diary, today was a fine day C Em I got the music in my soul C Em I’m writing songs and making records C Em I feel my life is finally whole F G I can’t wait to tell my father C Cmaj9 Am To see what he will say F G Peace and love Diary. Love, N/C Marvin Gaye VERSE 5: C Em Dear Diary, today was a fine day C Em I got the music in my soul C Em I’m writing songs and making records C Em I feel my life is finally whole F G I'll sell out Whitney and Janet, C Cmaj9 Am Celine and Madonna F G I feel a big hit coming, N/C Rihanna