Tom: F

                             "Dead" by Stephen Fretwell
Tabbed by: JohnJoe Walters



133211 F
X02210 Am
XX0231 Dm
X13331 Bb
320001 G7
X32010 C
X32310 C7 

Each verse (including instrumental start to verse 3) has same chords.

Verse 1: (Begins with a hammer-on from the open 6th string "e" note to the F chord)

F                  Am                 
  Sun blushed roses are next to the bed
Dm                          Bb
  I've drunk too much coffee, it's gone to my head
F                              Am       
  Walk me down the side streets  and hold my hand
Dm                         Bb
  It looks like I'm leading  but we both know I can't
         Bb          C              F         Dm    
  For a week and a night I've been out of my mind
G7                          C    C7
  But please don't get me wrong, oh

Verse 2: (As verse 1, but see last line)

Thirteen red roses that will soon be dead
Should I box them up for you darling, perhaps make a hat for your head
Walk me down Grand Street with a glass in your hand
Talking about behaviour well I don't understand
What you want from my hands anymore like before

G7                         C    C7                 F
 But please don't get me wrong, oh, whatever that means

Verse 3:

['Instrumental' for first two lines - chords as verse 1 for first two lines]
           Bb         C            F           Dm 
  And you won't ever see past yourself or past me
           Bb                C           F          Dm
  And the lines each one's drawn thirty-four, fifty-one
G7                          C    C7                 F
  But please don't get me wrong, oh, whatever that means

Please enjoy!


| /   slide up
| \   slide down
| h   hammer-on
| p   pull-off
| ~   vibrato
| +   harmonic
| x   Mute note
| b   Bend
| pb  Pre-bend
| br  Bend release
| pbr Pre-bend release
| brb Bend release bend