Our man Abu squeezes off twenty tracer rounds And that's when she jumps the turnstile And as she clings to the roof of the speeding train The Double A down to Sheridan Square Her cell phone rings It's, like, her stupid father Be in the door by ten -- again Pixeleen Dream deep my three-times perfect ultrateen Pixeleen Born in the bogs of Jersey Trained how to love and spy hard Dropped on the streets of Roppongi Soaked through on the floor of a noodle shop And when Abu rams the clip in the miniglock Up on the catwalk inside the warehouse You whip a knife from the top of your go-go boot With just a flash of spectacular thigh Your pager starts to throb It's your as-if boyfriend Randall Better keep it real -- or whatever Pixeleen Rave on my sleek and soulful cyberqueen Pixeleen Penned by a hack in the Palisades Backed by some guys from Columbia Shot all in digital video For a million and change Flashback to cool summer nights Freddy can we cut to the chase? In the room above your garage Everything about me is different Symmetrical and clean This is what I see Just a girl in girlie trouble Dancing in the video with gun and tambourine Pixeleen Be good my three-times perfect ultrateen Pixeleen Born on the floor of a noodle shop Dropped in the bogs of Jersey Shot by a guy from Columbia Soaked through all in digital video Girl with the sweet backstory Pitched in a trailer in Burbank Cast by a cool-enough yes-man Screened at a festival in Utah