Some of Them Are Hairy Some of Them Are Bald Some Are Kinda Scary And This Is What They're Called Vagina! Vagi-hoo-a! They Call That Thing Vagina Some Belong to Virgins They're Really Tight and Strong But Big Or Small, I Love 'em All That's Why I Sing My Song Vagina! Vagi-hoo-a! They Call That Thing Vagina Vagina Some of Them Are Smelly Like Clams and Fish and Such Some Smell Like a Summer's Eve Cause They've Been Duesched Too Much Vagina! Vagi-hoo-a! They Call That Thing Vagina Vagina! Vagi-hoo-a! They Call That Thing Vagina Nothin Could Be Finer Than to Be in a Vagina In the Morning