This was not really meant to be but some things in the night were frightening me I hid behind a tree, hoped the things would go away My friends got worried, they were waiting for me because we had to leave now, EMERGENCY I was still behind the tree and they just couldn't stay I'm all alone, E.T. phone home now I'm on my own, E.T. phone home Please, I don't want to stay don't leave me here, take me away let me make one more call I saw my ship lift from the ground I heard shouting voices all around so I didn't make a sound and the things went away So here I am and I don't know what to do should I try to contact someone like you? I'm all alone, E.T. phone home now I'm on my own, E.T. phone home Please, I don't want to stay don't leave me here, take me away let me make one more call