Your mouth is the fire that knows how to swallow me You keep me as a slave of your flesh I feel like I can't pull away from you But inside I hate you 'cause I know don't how resist Cause you're the failure of my will Or maybe I'd just like… I'd like to be you I feel your full heart beats but that sounds means nothing to me now I feel your cruel heart close to me but it is just blackmail without pride I've learned to surrender so I'd feel alive and devour you To feel you presence vibrate in me, hold me, love me anyway Cause I know how to make you experience your filthy self Grip my hand and take me to the gallows the ones we built I chose them with you I'll offer myself to you only when I know I've been condemned I'll be free of my guilt liberated by the torture I chose Proud of my punishment the pain of still Feeling alive for once in my life