Tom: Db Tabbed by * or *. me and my friend stayed up all night when we had shcool the next day learning this and a few other songs. if theres anything wrong E-mail me and let me know. dropped D tuning intro/chorus:(just play it like you hear it) E|--------------- B|--------------- G|-4444-666------ D|-4444-666-33333 A|-2222-444-33333 D|----------33333 pre chorus: E|-------------- B|-------------- G|-66666-333/99- D|-xxxxx-xxx/xx- A|-44444-111/77- D|-------------- symphonetic part: E|---------------- B|---------------- G|------------^--- D|-3333-4-1111 3-1 A|-3333-4-1111 3-1 D|-3333-4-1111 3-1 :: Ultimate Guitar Archive :: http://*