
Scottish Pop


All I wanted
I have now got
if misery's number one
then I'm not
'cos when I'm with you
I feel it will never stop
I feel like I'm listening to
Scottish pop

anticipation, is worth the wait
I sneak a look at you
and you look great
you think you've caught me
and it's a fair cop
I feel like I'm listening to
Scottish pop

I just want you to know
that whatever happens
in the future
that right at this moment
I'm very happy
and very much
in love with you

the secret goldfish
edwyn c
nectarine no. 9
bobby g
if you think this is uncool
well that's fine by me
stephen pastel
raymond mcginley

adventures in stereo
emma p emma p
stuart murdoch
douglas t douglas t
you can call me
a plagiaristic English fop
but when I'm with you
I feel like I'm listening to
Scottish pop

I love
Scottish pop
I love
Scottish pop
I love
Scottish pop
I love
Scottish pop
I love
Scottish pop
I love
Scottish pop
I love
Scottish pop
I love
Scottish pop