Imperator pacificus - transgressing the law sacred Superseded dominion - of mere human ordinance For those who shall not yield To the dictate of the irenarch’s word For those who shall not laud The orations of his lassitude For those who shall not bow To the throne upon which such peace is crowned For those impending few Destined to seize his sword and scepter Ara Pacis! A sword brought for thee Upon the altar of majestic peace Ara Pacis! Fire bought for thee Within the temple of indolent peace For those who consecrate the regicide Will be through conquest reborn For those bestowed with victory Bestowed with a sword of peace in storm For those who surpass the plebian will Surpassing that which can’t be opposed Will one day hold the scepter Of empire, axis of the world Ara Pacis! Blood upon thee From throats of the irenic see Ara Pacis! Burn forevermore By the fire of the stratocratic law