A face to laugh at when I could tell anything to you was lacking I seem to forget even the lip which I put in the evening If I was able to come back once again. Though it is told better. It is even too much for wards between two people, so close, and a heart that is always opposite. I become sad when gentle. I want to cry when made cold. When I rustle, and this heart is ran after, I want to escape. But I become afraid that he has turned his back On the one whom loves him most. Only you, collected the photographs which you had put into a notebook so quiety. When though, it'd figure for me, I'd join a friend in high spirits. I want to hear your voice, by all means. I'd think about a reason to recieve your hand. The feeling builds inside me when we talk, but i break this feeling off and ask "how's life" Nothing I wanted to convey, was made. Only you, do i think about all the time. In the first neighborhood that I always look at. I become sad when gentle. I want to cry when made cold. From the One whom I love most.