Sovereign Grace Music

How Sweet The Day

Sovereign Grace Music

Tom: A

INTRO ||: A/C# D | E/G# A | A/C# D | E/G# A |


A/C#          D   E/G#                A
 How sweet the day    when Christ was born
A/C#     D        E/G#         A
 When God Himself     took human form
F#m       E/G#              A
 He came to wash our sins a - way
F#m      E/G#                 A
 Our death to die, our debt to pay

A/C#          D    E/G#            A
 How sweet the day     when Hope appeared
A/C#      D        E/G#          A
 The One who frees     us from our fears
F#m       E/G#               A
 He came to break the power of sin
F#m        E/G#            A
 And give us power to follow Him

   Dmaj9     E6   A      E/G#  F#m7
Oh sing for joy, lift up your voice
       Dmaj9     E6      A     E/G#        F#m7
Let us sing for joy, the whole earth re - joice
       Dmaj9     E6        Bsus4    B 
Let us sing for joy to the Son
    Dmaj9      E             A/C# D2  E A 
For Jesus our Savior has come 

A/C#          D    E/G#              A
 How sweet the day     when Christ returns
A/C#          D    E/G#               A
 We’ll see the One     for whom we yearn
F#m            E/G#             A
 Then we’ll look full upon His face
F#m            E/G#                 A
 Our hearts will burst with songs of praise

A      E/G# D/F# A/E  D2
 Come, Lord Je - sus, come (repeat)