Sovereign Grace Music

A Christian’s Daily Prayer

Sovereign Grace Music

As morning dawns and day awakes
To You I bring my need
O gracious God, my source of strength
In You I live and breathe
Each hour is Yours by wisdom planned
Each deed empowered by sovereign hands
Renew my spirit, help me stand
Be glorified today

As day unfolds, I seek Your will
In all of life’s demands
And though the tempter tries me still
I cling to Your commands
Let every effort of my life
Display the matchless worth of Christ
Make me a living sacrifice
Be glorified today

As Sun gives way to darkest night
Your Spirit still is here
And though my strength fades like the light
New mercies will appear
I rest in You; abide with me
Until our trials and suffering
Give way to final victory
Be glorified, today; be glorified, I pray