Sound Barrier

Rock On The Wild Side

Sound Barrier

Rock on the wild side of the street
Don't you roll on the wild side of me
Rock on the wild side of society
Like an animal stalking in the night
I go crazy past the stroke of midnight
I can hear all kinds of things as I rock on by

I'm a rocker, I'm a roller, I'm a dedicated soldier,
I'm gonna rock it to you on the wild side
Yea, yea, yea, yea, ooh, all right all right, on my wild side
I'm a rockin rollin lover, and my love is gone under cover,
Till I can make love to you, on the wild side
When I make love to you it's like the fourth of july,
Rockets and fireworks shooting for the sky
You say honey I like rock it to me all night,
Then roll me over, on my wild side

I'm a rocker, I'm a roller, I'm a dedicated soldier,
I'm gonna rock it to you on the wild side
Yea, yea, yea, yea, ooh, all right all right, on my wild side
Rock and roll, fill your soul, rock and roll
Knows the time to fill your soul with you, you've got total control
If you can love yourself, maybe you can love me too
Listen to your first impulse, don't ignore your vibes like you did before
Don't be afraid to rock on the wild side

I'm a rocker, I'm a roller, I'm a dedicated soldier,
I'm gonna rock it to you on the wild side
I'm a rocker, I'm a roller, I'm a dedicated soldier,
I'm gonna rock it to you on the wild side
Yea, yea, yea, yea, ooh, all right all right, on my wild side

Rock on the wild side, roll till you feel your soul
Rock on the wild side, roll till you feel your soul
Rock on the wild side, roll till you feel your soul
Rock on the wild side, roll till you feel your soul
Rock on the wild side, roll till you feel your soul
Rock on the wild side, roll till you feel your soul