Hold yo’ head Stripped down to your heels It's your neck sick, on the wheel - This triangle – ain’t down to make it a square So hold on to your pillow, just step back Or break this silence - This animation Dropped the ball, and killed the pill Since broken characters won't make it home... They never crushed bones Grab a hold of your heart It’s not a straight stray Still hold on to your round - That animation Stealing my steps Out of this world - Like this regression It's your steps stealing my art So why stick to the script When you gon’ play out our part Legs lost ever since, since it all started Retarded, still feel the pain - The heart Fuck you, then ‘Cos the ball’s back on run And your ass’s on the way Carry worth the eight And back to the bay The pigs, blasting away...but way too late You’re back in Now carry worth my weight No longer feel it on my back My pain lost that trait