Hear the clarion call to arms Adorn the greaves of gravestones The communal barrow grows restless with alarm The seeds have been sown. From the soil comes a ponderous pulse The gangrenous mound of heroes Mouldered and rancid, the stench to repulse From the boneyards, the Colossus arose. The might of a thousand strong Surging through the brute The corpus eclipsing the dawn The Colossus crushes all! Coalesced in the afterlife A towering miscreation Poised to deliver the final smite The Colossus crushes all! The ossuaries cannot withstand the weight Of the fallen that dwell within Broken vows, betrayal and hate The valorous battles that could have been. Such anguish consolidates in time And grows compliant to arcane command Thus, one body rises from hallowed grime To smash the unworthy under cragged hands. All nations will remember this day of reckoning. Let all dissidents break beneath the giant’s steps Once and for all.