"Take it" she said. "I can feel you're cold It's not normal She said "take my warm" And she does and she lets it in And she takes it It comes rushing in And little by little all the pieces fall Together to make her Life a whole And she sleeps The air comes to kiss her skin To relieve her of the depths she's in And she wakes she bathes She sees her skin And she's proud of who She really is And if you feel tired and you wonder why It's because you've got something Buried inside Let it let it go Be who you are Be free with who you are And she's moving through this field of gold Like a chat noir an eagle a polar bear "Take it" she said "This precious thing it's yours to keep you're arriving" And she does and she lets it in And she takes it It comes flooding in And her blood becomes red again And geneve is all it could have been And kissing you With that taste in my mouth