Sons of People We Know

Waves Over Tokyo

Sons of People We Know

Though we may seem grateful for the lights shined on our faces, 
Our shoes are leaving our feet soar
And our throats are swelling up from all this singing and
Our parents aren't concerned with us no more

Im afraid that my eyes are rolling backwards
My precious tangled locks posses the floor 
And i cant help but think that Ive been lied to from the start
But it doesnt really matter any more

Cause we wont die all alone
We stay surrounded by lovers in the comfort of our homes
And though we build our walls, we're still just skin and bone
Though our bodies grow old, our hearts wont decompose
And though she loves me, she always tells me Im wrong

I guess shes just paying off my debts with her kind blue eyes
While Im singing about Tokyo or someplace, I dont recognize
These feelings that Im feeling left me feeling so mesmerized
These are classic insincerities for which i humbly apologize
For our nasty dispositions and the kick drum ringing loud
Its just my whole life Ive been kicked out, messed up or fooled around
But no more...

And though my bodies tired, like im sure my fathers was
I swear Ill pay for everything Ive done
Its just so hard when you've lost everything at once
But then again, I'm always looking up.