This generation worships you, This generation seeks your face. This generation kneels before you. This generation adores you. This is a call to worship, This is a call to sing! This is a call to fall down on our knees Before the risen king! This is a call to shoutout! This is a call to praise! This is a call to lift our hearts and hands and voices! *chorus* Lift, our songs of praise! In every town, in every nation. The kingdom comes this generation! Praise, our songs of suffering. Make every heart a new creation, Come into this generation! This generation worships you, This generation seeks your face. This generation kneels before you. This generation adores you. This is a call to worship, This is a call to sing! This is a call to fall down on our knees Before the risen king! This is a call to shoutout! This is a call to praise! This is a call to lift our hearts and hands and voices! *chorus* This generation worships you, This generation seeks your face. *repeat 3x* This generation adores you.