(CZOLGOSZ) It takes a lot of men to make a gun, Hundreds, Many men to make a gun: Men in the mines To dig the uron, Men in the mills To forge the steel, Men at machines To turn the barrel, Mold the trigger, Shape the wheel- It takes a lot of men to make a gun... One gun... (BOOTH) And all you have to do Is move you little finger, Move your little finger and- You can change the world. Why should you be blue When You've you little finger? Prove how just a little finger Can change the world. (CZOLGOSZ) I hate this gun... (GUITEAU) What a wonder is a gun! What a versatile invention! First of all, when you've a gun- Everybody pays attention. When you think what must be done, Think of all that it can do: Remove a scoundrel, Unite a party, Preserve the Union, Promote the sales of my book, Insure my future, My niche in history, And then the world will see That I am not a man to overlook! Ha-ha! (GUITEAU, BOOTH, CZOLGOSZ) And all you have to do Is squeeze your little finger. Ease your little finger back- You can change the world. Whatever else is true, You trust your little finger. Just a single little finger Can change the world. (MOORE) I got this really great gun- Shit, where is it? No, it's really great- Wait- Shit, where is it? Anyway It's just a .38- But- It's a gun. You can make a statement- Wrong- With a gun- Even if you fail. It tells 'em who you are Where you stand. This one was on sale. It- no not the shoe- Well, actually the shoe was, too. No, that's not it- Shit, I had it here- Got it! Yeah! There it is! And- (ALL) All you have to do Is crook your little finger, Hook your little finger 'round- (MOORE) Shit, I shot it... (OTHERS) - You can change the world. (QUARTET) Simply follow through, And look, you little finger Can Slow them down To a crawl, Show them all, Big and small, It took a little finger No time To change the world. (CZOLGOSZ) A gun kills many men before it's done, Hundreds, Long before you shoot the gun: Men in the mines And in the steel mills, Men at machines, Who died for what? Somthing to buy- A watch, a shoe, a gun, A thing to make the bosses richer, But A gun claims many men before it's done... Just One More.