Well, look-y here, honey, I ain't gonna cry no more I went to the depot and I, I looked up on the board I went to the depot, I looked up on the board Well, I couldn't see no train, I couldn't hear no whistle blow Engineer blowed the whistle and the fireman, he rung the bell Oh, oh, the fireman, he rung the bell You know, my woman was on board, she was wavin' back, "Fare you well" If I had any strength, I would set this train off the track ... I would set this train off the track Else you make me a promise, you gonna bring my baby back ...you ain't comin' back no more I don't believe you ever comin' back no more You leavin' now, baby, bet you hangin' creper on my door I'm gonna miss you from rollin' in my arms I'm gonna miss you from rollin' in my arms If I can't get no stamps and paper, I'm gonna sit down and telephone