
Evermore Alone


This silent evening with its moon so bright 
Sitting here on the path of life, everyone is gone out of sight
Went through all these dark nights (alone) 
With the memories of the past (so dreary) 
All these tears I've shed 
My wounds will never mend 
Over every river I've walked 
And every endless field I've crossed 
Every drop of blood I've lost 
Every little wound it has cost 
Every word I've said 
And every mistake I've made 
Wished you could be here by my side 
Feel all the pain that's in my mind 

The tears I cried came from a shadow inside 
A sorrow so painful from which I can't hide 

This solitary life cuts through me like a knife 
Piercing my memories to reopen the scar 
And as my soul cries still do I smile 
This scar within built by lies so thin 

Shouldn't I learn from my mistakes? 
The tears it causes the pain it forsakes 
If words could be renewed and replaced 
Would it be a different matter with another face? 

Oh have I dread this perpetual sorrow 
This perished orchid does no longer grow 
My last breath before to rest I'm laid 
Evermore alone I seize my blade 

"On a dark November night silence spoke a word so mere 
a word fraught with lingering pain and boundless fear 
a message that strangled the starkest dose of hope 
I closed my eyes grasped my life and strained the rope"