Night has fallen over the nature of the north The sea lines dark as oil, frey and njård come forth For the love of our province, grant us growth and peace Watch over the workers on land and at the seas After june and july comes the grey september And I think of the nation of which I am a member Norway, my cradle, that mountainous spoon #1 On all lists, civilization's boon? Why be so hard on someone you love? I've done my bit of crawling, I'll risk 5 minutes above The critique has been quiet, here is what I have to say Like my feldgrau dress, let my lyrics be field grey The wealth has made you arrogant, people run to you for money Not because they like you, they just wanted to taste the honey The norwegian identity is now based on handouts Why do you think it's so far between the standouts? In a postcolonial age we wrote postmodern rhyme Sped the macho vehicle down the autobahn of time The linear scaffold is a christian invention A one-way ticket to hell with patriarchal intention Proprietors of red by the circular drain We come again, like the sun and the rain The germanic entity will cause the world to fall There won't be any profit, progress above all You complain that kids don't read, never fed them the hooks The libraries decay, they trash half of our books Looks to the atlantic, see norse heritage thrive An icelandic odyssey, the old gods are alive The prince skis through the forest with some ruler on the phone Spearheading an empire as he glides past the firs alone Pomp without power was the rage of the past Power without pomp can make our age the last The germanic entity, its name shall not be spoken The chains of this power have never been broken Blut und eisen replaced with diplomacy and aid Peace is something that his majesty made What can our statesman do more than to play christ With oil-fueled diplomacy, a humanist heist Social democracy prefer finance to the word Money wrapped as dialogue makes him the lord Utan fyrebod stend det ein by der, lysande, kastar kvite og gule spjot Uppover I myrkret, bruer og bygg, løysingar som hjelper Menneski å finna seg ein heim I deg, kosmopolis Den totale byen diktaren drøymer um Der han stend under det store biletet, tagal, budd til å fara Frå velstanden som vart til dekadanse, diktaren skal inn I den mytiske tidi, til skumringi der ei kvinne sit Og drit. Ho vender deim ryggen, no ventar Skogsvegen, dei store flatone: Eg hev sett deim, kjent deim Dei drap hundar og skulda på hunger. Dei dreiv tennene Inn I eigne skallar so dei fekk endå ein munn å metta Dei åt for tvo og drap for tri. Eg elska rovdyri Men hev ikkje fleire lamb å missa. I skogen er eg fri for rovdyri No vert veggene bygde for å halda oss inne, sperra dyret Inne. Det vil verta endå varmare, endå trongare Enn fyrr. Svarte kalde vegger å spegla seg I