Now… If we don't change society Then we are part of the cause on the Day of Judgment We are going to stand in front of Allah There will be no excuses For being useless Without Islam in our lives Our lives are fruitless Leaving behind all things taking nothing but our deeds On the last day it will be too late to repent We will be accountable For every minute & cent that we spent Islamically intact My brothers got my back Shaitan can't attack because were always in a pack M-U-S-L-I-M MUSLIM 4 LIFE & WE WILL NEVER GIVE IN WE STAND UP AND SPEAK OUT AGAINST THOSE WHO OPPRESS WE TAKE ISLAM & WE TAKE NO LESS Prophet showed us how to be a statesman a father, a leader Amir of jihad a husband, a judge and a friend A messenger that Allah has send that's the example that we content He cultured The Sahabas personalities Built Islamic mentalities gave them the bigger scope to spread Islam All over the globe they say your too young to change this world to young to understand Look at Ali (RA) At 8 he was mature like a man Carrying this message of Islam Khalid Ibn-Waleed Conquering land Liberating kufar to Islam Abu Bakar politically sharp was side by side with the Prophet from the start We are the youth Let us Bring Islam Back We did it in the past So let us do it again M-U-S-L-I-M MUSLIM 4 LIFE & WE WILL NEVER GIVE IN WE STAND UP AND SPEAK OUT AGAINST THOSE WHO OPPRESS WE TAKE ISLAM & WE TAKE NO LESS Carrying Islam is like carrying a hot coal pure pressure surrounds us but we won't fold when time become tough remember Jannah It was difficult even for the Sahabas No success without struggle Keep our best friends Muslim So we're always out of trouble checking our ideas the way we think Based on Islam Because Islam is our Deen Bonded by our ideas Islamically connected Days of Jahillah Alhamdulillah we left it Islamic as a yardstick That we measure Only for Allah And to gain HIS pleasure M-U-S-L-I-M MUSLIM 4 LIFE & WE WILL NEVER GIVE IN WE STAND UP AND SPEAK OUT AGAINST THOSE WHO OPPRESS WE TAKE ISLAM & WE TAKE NO LESS Much props to my sisters Carrying this Deen & to my brothers With the same mean We will never idolize It's no surprise The youth realize Jannah is the only prize Standing together Kafirs worst nightmare Muslim united And not scared Following only Qur'an & and the Sunnah an Ummah who loves Allah More than this dunnyah M-U-S-L-I-M MUSLIM 4 LIFE & WE WILL NEVER GIVE IN WE STAND UP AND SPEAK OUT AGAINST THOSE WHO OPPRESS WE TAKE ISLAM & WE TAKE NO LESS