Huu…I thought we were one UMMAH Look at us Now… Jordan Arabia Iran Egypt Indonesia Sudan Tunisia Algeria Amman Iraq Kashmir Philistine Albania Bosnia Kurdistan Spain Half of France Hindustan Somalia Lebanon Azerbaijan Melesia Libya Kazakhstan Bangladesh Chechnia Afghanistan Turkey Cypress Pakistan Kuwait .. Ch...explosion…….. Bismillah - AR - Rahman - AR - Raheem Allah made us ONE UMMAH! No divisions in this Deen Islam is our creed Halall is our means Pledge your allegiance to Islam Cuz ISLAM will set you free We bringing in….. Different Dawah carriers We're coming in from different lands But we see no barriers Lyrics to reach your ears Educate our minds with Islam And Inshallah his disease of nationalism Will disappear Gave up all my nationalistic ties Even though my family hated it Put away your patriot games Cuz I ain't playing it. You see I ran from Iran But I'm not Iranian Allah gave me the BOND-OF-ISLAM And now I'm claiming it I throw back the flag They put in my hand I throw it in their face Because they destroyed OUR land No border lines Between our Muslim land Cuz its Allah's command Cuz its Allah's demand Allah is my only fear And that's that TAKBIR!!! Allahu - Akbar Allahu - Akbar Coming in loud Listen to this call Breaking nationalism down Like the Berlin wall If they want to take me They better take us all Uniting under one flag of La - Ilaha - Ilallah Mohammedun Rasul-lu-llah Trying to deviate the Muslims With the ayah's that they twist Brainwashing us with nationalism So they can watch this Ummah split They want us to Stand up for their flag But we rather sit They like to see their flag We like to see it lit Never-ever- Will I claiming to be Persian Won't celebrate Their fire worshipping new year So now I hear my mother cursing Trying to brainwash me Telling me that I'm Persian???? WHAT!!!?? Tools that kafirs use Preventing the Muslims from merging They've put up imaginary walls That's for certain Bunch of cowards!! Cuz they won't fight us in person Our Ummah is hurting Nationalism has worsen Won't compromise Islam Even when its curtains Tearing up the flags That these kafirs are waving up Ain't going to start fitna Like that fool Lawrence of Arabia Don't listen to history Our enemies are making up They're already claiming victory Watching our Ummah breaking up Doesn't make a difference Where you from As long as we stand divided… We're going to stand stuck There is no divisions Between my brothers Khalas!!…..Enough is enough!!!!! Trying to deviate the Muslims With the ayah's that they twist Brainwashing us with nationalism So they can watch this Ummah split They want us to Stand up for their flag But we rather sit They like to see their flag We like to see it lit I hate fake rulers like Sadam Like I hate the united snakes Gaps are only for shaiton So I leave no space Either you're a slave to what made-man Or you're a slave to what man-made My ONLY allegiance is to Islam And this is where I keep my faith Inshallah let us break these kufur walls Before Allah has us replaced And let us unite this Ummah Under one Mighty Islamic State! Soldiers of Allah Keeping it real with tight rhymes Insh-Allah one day We wouldn't have to rap about Sad times Islamic state will be implemented Right-right There will be no gap between Me & my brothers Side by side just like our pray lines No more imaginary walls Brothers greeting each other worldwide Our only bond will be Islam Haram and Halal will be Our only guidelines Waking up from this coma I see a rise of Muslim pride A generation of Muslim youth Who know the truth Let's us be the ones Who bring this Ummah back to life Putting Islam back into the lime light No divisions in this Ummah Erasing all kufuristic border lines Leaving all man-made systems With nothing But just a flat line___________