Soilent Green

Clockwork Of Innocence

Soilent Green

Words never spoken
About any situation
Too damn afraid to speak 
Can't get a simple response 

A flared temper
Broken furniture 
Patience worn thin 
Only if you knew

Love was just a word with nothing felt
In these times that one heard it spoken
From day one ' learn
Or it was beaten into you 

No matter, you learn 

Everything relearned for a new life
The one after the death of childhood 
No time to adjust 
Drunken fights and rages of these cruel beatings 
Misused mother of three
Kneeling down on her knees 
Progressing away from an expression of the soul 
Hidden writings of an abused child
Untouched words breed a scar
A diary of an innocent mind 
Decipher these words, a mixed paraphrase catastrophe

This meaning mismatched 
The feeling of rejection
A world held together by no moral regrets
Rehealing already healed words 
Wanting an inner peace
Can't understand this injustice of a small child's release 
All that you know 
Do only as your told 
Growing up an abused child, loveless soul