They don't know how i spilf they dont know that i won't quit im gonna make a stop to all this bullshit niggas wanna test me, thas shit im jus a lil girl but i heat up mics when i flow i start up on the mic, EXPLOSIVE! people oughta pimp n play like dey know dis but they neva see lady rowdy get ferocious i gotta showdis im gonna blow dis HAH! in ur face ! open ur mouth or i'll slap ur face put da raver on firi am the evil more than enough for you im Every Girlz Idol, BiTchEs FiGht4 my Title, HoEz HAte me N RaTe me Just Cuz They Aint me, U Think U Hot N U Think U It,But Compared2 me U Aint SHIT! ~StRuTiN my StUfF sHaKiN my BoOty i am just a FuLL TyMe QT, StOp HoNkiN uR HoRnZ n ScReAmiN my nAmE cUz i aLrEaDy No i goT u INSANE