I know your heart lies heavy tonight Sleepwalking all day but restless by twilight You're surrounded by these artifacts This useless collection of consumer consolation prizes Crippled by aversion Bathed in the glow of 24 hour addictivision Suffering at dusk, the leisure time of a wage slave husk Peaceless hibernation in the city of Glasgow Peaceless hibernation in the city of lost adults Darkness is just the absence of light This is our dawn song This is soul music Aubade These words are swords Embrace the light Cost off dead skin and live free Aubade Definitely swords Declare an end to old ways with the dying of the night Embrace the light Aubade Again and again and again we awaken Again and again and again we rise The sun will rise Must cleanse this filth within Aubade Embrace the light Your death is your life Your emancipation Aubade New life springs from dreams at daybreak Then the burning sun blinds us into sight I know because I've seen it with my own eyes I'm the Witness