
Burn The Flesh


The lake of fire is calling
It’s time to take a dive
My belt of lead is pulling me down
I see ahead with X-ray eyes
The wall of Pink is falling
Exit the diving bell
Be one with God and let go of the id
Expand through time remember all

I see The End
It’s too late to pretend
It’s time to burn the flesh
The delicate flesh
It’s time to let the soul be free

My lungs keep me from breathing
My heart is pumping black
Life-scarred hands grip a crying man
His pain is more than I can stand

I see The Sea
The waves wash over me
It’s time to burn the boat
That keeps me afloat
The mind will set the body free

And in the End
It’s too late to pretend
The flesh is gone
The soul is free
And all that is left is me