Smut Peddlers


Smut Peddlers

I'm not encased in metal
And I do not watch TV
I like my motorcycle
Because it helps me to feel free
The highways and byways are overrun
With Acura gangster clones
And soccer moms in S.U.V.'s
Who are talking on the phone
Fuck the world!
Forever two wheels!
To all the crazy drivers
whipping in and out of lanes
start using your turn signals
or suck my lock and chain
Your car's all over the road
You've got alcohol on your breath
It gets me homicidal
Because for me it's life and death
Fuck the world!
Forever two wheels!
You drive like a simp
And you think you're a pimp
In your climate controlled cage
I've got hostile envy and it sets me in a rage
You'd better hope I don't survive
If you get me in a crash
Cuz I'm looking to kill you
And they call me scooter trash
Fuck the world!
Forever two wheels!