Smokie Norful


Smokie Norful

Worthy, Jesus is worthy.
Worthy, Jesus is worthy.

From the rising of the sun,
until the going down of the same;
Jesus is worthy to be praised,
worthy to be praised

Verse 1:
Everyday I think about Your goodness
and all You've done for me,
Lord, I can't help but to bless Your name.

You've been good and I want to bless Your name
because You're worthy to be praised,
You're worthy to be praised.


Verse 2:
I want to say Lord, 
"thank You for all You've done",
for the rest of my life, 
I wanna bless Your name.

You've been so good to me,
there's nothing left for me to say but
(Jesus is worthy to be praised),
(worthy to be praised).

Vamp 1:
Every day I will thank Him,
every hour I will praise Him
all day long I will bless Him,
worthy to be praised.

Vamp 2:
Everyday, everyday, everyday, 
worthy to be praised.

Vamp 3:
Every hour, every hour, every hour, 
worthy to be praised.

Vamp 4:
All day long, all day long, all day long, 
all day long, all day long, 
worthy to be praised.

Worthy to be praised,
(repeat as desired)