
Perun's Arrows


Your silent face is so dismal, Forest.
Tell me what's with you.
Nightfall is coming…
I'll shatter your peace and quiet,
I'll come forth to you.
And I'll see a crowd of warriors
In the shades of the woods,
Hear the song of the arrows
And the thunder of battleblast.
Where are you? Where you have gone?
Slavonic tribe, we forget who we are.
We're like birds without the nests.
One never knows if we'll be wiped
Off the face of the earth, buried in oblivion.
Let's take our hearts…

They will be haunted by Perun's arrows,
By the wrath of my ancient gods.
I make them defeated,
I bring Rus' the freedom from the black fetters.
How long we'll be like the dead?
Why we are burying ourselves?
We shatter mighty race to pieces…
Forgive us, Sva Mater.

We sing the praises to Svjatovit,
We shall stand up as the Perun's horde with the swords.
The Wisdom of Veles is our gift.
The burning flame of Semargl
Will purify everything from the filth.

There is a few of us, but mind-and-heart strenghtened.
We stand for our strong will.
Svarog leads us by the Prav's Path,
And Zlat Perun loads his arrow upon the rainbow in the sky.