A dream or a nightmare, or was it a memory? Ambition and courage, these things don't exist to me. Drunk, I'll get nowhere this way. Before you go, here's a lesson for you all: If you want her don't let her know. She walks out every morning, every day. The booze, it gives me courage, but my brain doesn't know what the fuck's happening. If ice should be broken, this beer will sure find a way. But if my words had substance, by now she'd be next to me. (a memory.) Drunk. Stumbling out the doorway. Before you go, here's a lesson for you all: If you want her, don't let her know. She walks out every morning, every day. The booze, it gives me courage, but my brain doesn't know what the fuck's happening. It's not the end of the world. (the end of the world) Welcome to my world.