It was a wednesday I pack the kool-aid I hear the kick drum Talking to my baby I roll out to the ocean Put on my suntan lotion I see the sun gold Water movin slow motion I gotta beach chair I see the blonde hair Kick up my feet there I feel the cool air The breeze is nice now I tell you right now I sip my kool-aid I'm feeling better now Boy did I ever need a vacation, just need to get away for a while Wait, did I forget my sunglasses? Nope got em! I paint my nails pink They're in the sand though I hear the old soul Coming out my radio I see a young boy Hanging on a rope swing He gets a nose bleed I hear the gull sing I hope the waters warm Gotta get my swim on I pull my straps up I see a thunderstorm No no no no no No no no No no Good lookin' sea shells Need to make some new wishes Watch out for sea glass Watch out for jellyfish I see a young boy Swimming out to sea now I tell the life guard He can't be bothered now Its getting late though Clouds are getting real low The breeze is nice yes I think I better go Oh oh But it never came though It just sat over the horizon Looking at me Everything was just perfect I got a little sunburn though