This enduring suffering The Cross captures the attention of the world The mystery revealed Mystery Revealed I stand at the foot of the Cross All my questions swirl I have so many whys I can see Your face In this cloud of unknowing His life is in my hands But I can't see the sky This whole place is ghosts Or is it my own mind? My heart, my world so diseased Will I ever find a sense of peace? The realization I am haunted This enduring suffering The Cross captures the attention of the world The mystery revealed Mystery Revealed I stand at the foot of the Cross Into the pit You came With such determined eyes You reached out Your hand It's okay, just let me die Why are You pulling me up? Why is Your blood in my eyes? I've been lost in the war, but Why are You on my side? Looking back, I couldn't see what You wanted Now I realize, it was me and I am haunted I am haunted I am haunted I am wounded I am ruined I am haunted I am wounded I am ruined I am haunted By this Love