
The Ballad Of Breckenridge


It stared out so innocent
Seagrams 7 four bottle in hand
We tried to find the local bar
But got wasted in the van

We went back to the hotel
We showered, shaved and drank some more
Then we went back into town,
Still looking for the bar

Then we met some locals
They took us home
They were unaware, they gave us that stare
They didn't know

We found a party going on
We were told that we were welcome to stay
Until we took over their stereo
And blasted skinhead reggae

Soon the mood of the locals changed
They started giving us the evil eye
Most of the kids on the porch
Got scared and went inside

What we didn't know was
the best was yet to come
It would be seen clear,
The booze and the beer
Would lead to rough fun!

Three dollars change, all you can drink
Dirk's bar on a Wednesday night
The scene was serene, pretty nice and clean
Until the Skoidats got in sight
Flapjack's causin' trouble
and he needed a helpin' hand
He had to get help from an emty bottle
Cause the Skinheads could barely stand

Next thing we know he was ejected
Bu then we snuck him in the back of the room
He said, "You boys better back me up, cause
there's gonna be trouble soon!"

And the boots went in hard
It was the police
That gave us that old stiff arm

What we didn't know was the cops were just
starting their fun
We were unaware there was hate in the air
and we were the targeted ones

Two billy clubs and a broken nose
a tumble down a flight of stairs
a faux gang war and a blue squad car
toilet paper and broken mirrors

The media victims on a rampage
the cops were the ones who were RIGHT
They said, "None of you drunken Skinheads,
will leave Breckenridge tonight!"

We will never learn
And we will never return to Breckenridge!