
Getting Dizzy (feat. Admiral James T)


We've played Hide and seek, ran around to get happy
some used playmobils or lego, the spoiled ones got a puppy
we got never enough and stayed outside until dinner
some were heros some were robbers I was always the killer

Throwing mud around, making other ones dirty
you're three years older so please don't hurt me
wanna play with us? No, you are too little
so they kicked me, hit me, spit me in the middle

Of my face, Oh yeah, this was the best one
they let me go so I better run
to the soccer field where we just played for fun
I was with the oldest so we always won

Game after game, for hours and hours
when it got dark not only the sunshine lost its power
way past bedtime I still jumped on my bed
twisting turning shouting till my mom's face got red

Getting dizzy in a natural way
getting dizzy, oh baby that is OK

Few years later there was a whole new game
the ladies appeared, before there was no shame
but now we tried to look good, be nicer than the others
start to sweat when they were around, being cool around our brothers

Play the tuff guy getting high on my hormones
moving awkward `cause of the fast growing bones
first time to drink alcohol, have a beer but you didn't like it
feel uncomfortable with your breath and try to hide it

Getting dizzy in ...

But then the DJ put on some rock songs
so we jumped and screamed felt cool with having our dogs on
with some reagge he tried to calm us down
and we danced with a girl, got into that sound

Felt her body and didn't think about anything else
was surprized about that feeling wondered why she smells
so good, it was a deodorant, I thought of getting also one
be her boyfriend be a cool guy that's what I wanted to become

But now we are older we are done with that stuff
well, we often get dizzy and canrquote t get enough
but the way of getting happy have also changed bit
getting dizzy with drinks man, we still like it

Music makes us still happy but only rock is out
need Ska, Punk'n'Reggae that's what we're all about
we're old enough for cigarettes so we enjoy smoking
or use them with ganja, laugh a lot and start joking

Listen to music, drinking beer, drinking trojska, have no fear
do some skanking, do some wanking, be a man, forget to thank him
playing soccer all day long, smoking grass and having fun
enjoy every second before your life will be gone

Forget about hide and seek, be real
listen to your heart, get high, no big deal
go and move, play a game, create yourself new
if you never wanna let you go you gonna feel so blue